
Greeting and salutations, and welcome to my site.

My name is Chris Jones.  Those of you that know me may know that I grew up in south Florida and was an avid scuba diver, hence the site name and moniker SeaJones (cjones is almost always taken). I currently live far from the ocean but try to visit as often as I can.

These days, instead of going under the surface, I go above.  Most of this site will be dedicated to model flight, primarily RC (Radio Controlled).  Helicopters, planes, gliders, multi-rotor, FPV (first person viewing) and even simulated if I must…Notice this is all electric, have had to specialize somewhere. My time is often limited and available in small units.  So my goal is to have something interesting to fly any time and any where.

These are the topics where I spend most of my free time these days.  If you enjoy them feel free to join the conversation and the fun.


P.S.  I would strongly recommend visiting the guys over at FliteTest.  They are great guys who enjoy the same things and run a site filled with information for the “whats that” to expert.